Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Where the Heck Have I Been...

Well, that'll teach me to try and put a 'zine together at the end of the school year. Sand #4 is just about finished. Aaron has the issues compiled and is putting the final touches on the covers.

We are changing format with issue #6. To save what's left of our collective sanity, Sand will only come out once a year. But each issue will have the same amount of fiction as the three we (will) put out in '09.

Contributors will be paid more (not much, but $5 plus a copy). Issues will be available in print (contributors get a copy) and various digital/ebook formats.


1. Writers like to see their work in print. That's what they tell me, anyway.

2. Electronic formats can provide more exposure for writers.

Aaron and I think this is a win-win. I hope so. He wants Sand to be around for a while, and I guess I'm along for the ride.

Cheers. Oh--submissions won't open until January 2010. Seems like a long time until then, but time has a way of flying.

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